About Us
Arena Wind Energy Investment
Arena Capital Partners Limited are currently raising finance for the acquisition, development and operation of a portfolio of renewable energy assets by way of a loan note. Funds loaned to Arena Capital Partners Limited are used to acquire and develop renewable energy assets and sell energy to the grid. The returns from these sales are distributed to your investment via a fixed return.
The current pipeline of projects are focused on Medium Sized Wind Turbine developments in Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe, all of which have Government backed incentives via the ROCs and the European wide Feed in Tariff (FIT). Arena Capital Partners Limited also seek to acquire other renewable energy technologies and supporting renewable energy services in Europe and other markets.

Ian Greer
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
Ian qualified as an Aircraft Engineer. In 2004 Ian applied for Mortgage and Multi Agency Intermediary Authorisation with the Central Bank of Ireland to focus on financial services. Ian is co-founder & director of Arena Capital Partners.

Barry Corcoran
Barry is Co-Founder & Director of Arena Capital Partners and has over 25 Years experience in the Financial Services Sector.