Why Choose Arena
Unlike many renewable investment opportunities, we invest in a portfolio of renewable energy projects in differing geographical locations. By putting our eggs in several baskets, we can reduce the overall investment risk. It’s this type of thinking that has made Arena Capital Partners Ltd one of the most successful renewable energy companies in Europe, investing in, building and operating over 130 renewable projects over the last 8 years, raising €100+ million in investment.
We only invest in projects that use proven technologies, operate on long-term government contracts, and, through careful planning, have a minimal impact on communities and the environment.
As well as our investment track record, there are plenty of other reasons to choose Arena:
- Making a difference – our investors know that their money is being put to work building and operating Wind Turbines which increase the amount of renewable electricity available in the grid.
- Energy security – the more power we generate from renewable sources , the less we have to rely on importing energy from abroad, or worry about the price volatility of fossil fuels.
- Environmental impact – renewable energy means less pollution, less CO2 and less harm to the planet. We’ve been adding new renewable energy projects to the grid since 2014.
Arena Capital Partners is one of the most successful renewable energy companies in Europe, investing in, building and operating over 130 renewable projects over the last 8 years, raising €100+ million in investment.
Working in tandem with Arena Capital Partners, are our three Operation and Maintenance Companies (“O&M”), Earthmill, WEP and Silverford Engineering. These companies provide maintenance to in excess of 650+ turbines. Our O&M Companies can draw on the extensive experience of our qualified on site engineers and in house tech support engineers. In total, our O&M Companies have access to over €2 million in inventory and parts which allow them to provide exceptional service to Arena and our customers and ensures our work is performed on schedule and on budget while upholding our core values of quality and safety.